I have officially been on my journey now for a total of twelve days and during those twelve days I have seen plenty of highs and lows. Something that I have learned to keep high during my workouts is my heart rate so I can achieve those splat points!
Your probably thinking to yourself, what is a splat point? Sounds kind of messy doesn't it? Well I promise you that it is not and its a great thing to achieve! I personally discovered what a splat point was during my first Orangetheory Fitness workout on Monday, June 17th and oh my goodness did I get a lot of those splat points! To sum it up, a splat point is every minute your heart rate is in a certain zone which those zones are the orange and red zone. Your goal is to get a minimum of 12 splat points at every class, with doing that you activate the afterburn effect which can last up to 36 hours.
Now you are probably wondering about how they track your heartrate. Well that's an easy one! They track it using one of the three heartrate monitors that they sell which are all versions of the OTBeat. I personally use the Burn version and love it! It is great since you can use it for workouts outside of the class environment and still track those splat points, calories, steps, and miles. Keep in mind though if you have a heartrate monitor already that is not an OTBeat, you will have to purchase a new one so they can track your progress during the class.
Another thing that I like about Orangetheory Fitness is the app. The app makes is very easy for myself being the mom-on-the-go to schedule classes, purchase more classes if necessary, and to track my workouts from home. It can also track your calories/splat points for the year, month, and even week! Below are some screenshots of the app.
While I am trying to find balance in my day with being a wife, mother, full-time employee and now someone who works out thankfully they offer classes to fit my all too busy schedule. They start classes at 5am, so I can go even before the kids wake up but I personally like the evening classes. The evening classes just help me de-stress after a hard day at the office. I can't lie though, having my 3-1/2 year old say that he doesn't want me to leave kind of hurts. Although I do tell him I'm leaving to be a better mommy and to keep up with him.
I have found Orangetheory to be great though. You pretty much have three stations the entire class and you pick your station before class starts by picking up a card with a number on it and where you are starting. I usually pick the treadmill first since, I'm not the best with cardio so I want to tackle that at the very beginning. The other stations include the rowers and the weight floor and at every station your coach is cheering you along the way. The class is easily for everyone since you can go at your own pace and the heartrate monitors help you know what is too much. This is for the elite athlete, someone starting their journey, the young and old, and those like me wanting to get back to the pre-baby body.
I honestly can't wait to see how I transform with this class. I have before pictures which will be posted at a later date with some after photos to show progress, since we all know the scale never can tell you if your gaining muscle or losing fat. If you have tried out the class, how did you like it? Please tell me below and I will be back next week Friday with more content!